Friday, February 7, 2020

Why Should you learn another language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Why Should you learn another language - Essay Example Today English is the official language in a large number of countries, an estimated number of people in the world that use English in communication or a regular base is 2 billion, so by studying English one become part of this diverse large population that uses English in their day today activities and communicate with citizens of most of countries in the globe, without any confusion in expressing our feeling and thinking (Halliday pp 38). Worldwide business are conducted in English, with the advent of outsourcing, bilingualism is used as a useful skill this makes the scope for employment much wider for those who speak English in foreign countries. successful functionality in international business require communication with other people through email, memos and reports which should be written in English hence the need to understand and express thoughts and ideas in English. The other importance of language is that it create a greater opportunity for a job moreover, with an enough amount of knowledge In English, the possibility of promotion in position is ever higher (Halliday, pp 38). In education research and academics there is an existence of over 2000 universities and colleges this implies that above 400 billion dollars are spent every year on research, by taking the example of US alone it offers an incredible array of opportunities to those who are able to function in an English only environment. English knowledge opens doors for study abroad and have access to more variety of educational courses, this equip one with the desired skills and knowledge that makes one conversant with the world trend academically (Alamin pp 2-345). Another importance of studying English language is that English is the language of technology and science, genetics, medicine and also computer science so if anyone is interested in any of this fields then

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